Regenerative Agriculture Series | Kisaco Research

Regenerative Agriculture Series

Unifying industries to accelerate regenerative agriculture practices through partnership and harmonisation


A complete remodeling of the structure of our current global agricultural model is necessary to ensure the population remains fed and to safeguard economic prosperity. This transformation is only feasible through the combined participation of all stakeholders. A new strategy of pre-competitive collaborative action from multiple actors will be key to unlocking change and driving impact at scale.

The Regenerative Agriculture Series was created to bring together stakeholders from across the entire food and textiles supply chain and act as a neutral platform to enable open, constructive, and educational discussions to further progress the transition to regenerative practices. We believe everyone deserves a seat at the table and that the best way to effectively bring about change is through peer-to-peer sharing, partnership, and collaboration. 

Bringing together thousands of key players across three global events, webinars, and roundtables, the series aims to explore the challenges and opportunities in the transition to regenerative practices.


With over 700 industry leaders joining us across our series of events, The Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Series is the premier, industry-led platform dedicated to unifying the food industry to accelerate regenerative agriculture practices. Bringing together senior executives from Multinational Companies, Independent F&B Brands, AgTech and Service Providers, Retailers, NGOs and Farming organisations, RAFSS is dedicated to providing insights, critical thinking, and vital discussions needed to transform the food system.

  • Farmers/Academics

    What you can expect:

    • Tell your Story: Share your challenges, and experiences, and have your voice heard by CPGs and other vital stakeholders in the room.

    • Case Studies: Gain insights into real-world challenges faced by farmers and other key supply chain players when transitioning. Successfully adopt evidence-based practices and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

    • Networking OpportunitiesFacilitate collaborative partnerships by sharing experiences and challenges as you exchange ideas with other farmers and researchers.


    Farmers/ Academics

    What our attendees say

    Loved the event, very well done. I especially loved the examples of full supply chain projects bringing premiums back to the farmer with CPG long-term commitments. 

    Arnaud Lacourt, Ubees
  • NGOs/Cooperatives

    What you can expect:

    • Advocacy for Policy Change: Engage with industry leaders to promote policies that incentivize and support the transition to regenerative agriculture. Contribute to the development of a framework that encourages regenerative practices.

    • Showcase Successful Case Studies: Provide tangible examples of how regenerative agriculture has positively impacted communities, ecosystems, and agricultural productivity.

    • Collaboration and Partnership Building: Amplify the impact of your initiatives by forming alliances with other farmers, NGOs, and businesses.


    NGOs/ Cooperatives

    What our attendees say

    I met several very interesting people during the networking sessions (which ended up being the most valuable part of the event) and we are already following up to see about trialing some very innovative and simple technology (both field practices and digital tracking and communication tools) in small-scale coffee farmer regions. 

    Monika Firl, Fairtrade International
  • MNCs/F&B Brands

    What you can expect:

    • Industry Leadership: Foster partnerships for a collective impact by engaging with decision-makers from across the value chain.
    • Thought Leadership: Provide real-world case studies of how regenerative agriculture has positively impacted your business and establish your company as a thought leader in the industry.

    • Networking: Connect with and learn from 450+ industry leaders from across the supply chain who share your commitment to transforming agriculture for a better future.

    MNCs/ Independent F&B

    What our attendees say

    The diversity of actors within the agri value chain was a fantastic asset to understanding farm-to-fork! It was great to have both "sides" of the regenerative agriculture sector. By that I mean, those who are the big input producers and those who believe organic and no synthetic inputs are the way forward to have professional discussions in a safe environment.

    Kelli Delapane, Mars
  • Retailers

    What you can expect:

    • Industry Leadership: Foster partnerships for a collective impact by engaging with farmers, ingredient suppliers, F&B Brands, and decision-makers from across the value chain.

    • Knowledge Sharing: Scale your projects by identifying strategic opportunities and forming new partnerships.

    • Networking: Build connections with 450+ industry leaders from across the supply chain who share your commitment to transforming agriculture for a better future



  • Service Providers

    What you can expect:

    • Market Expansion Opportunities: Identify new business opportunities and expand your client base by offering solutions tailored to regenerative practices.
    • Showcase Innovative Solutions: Position yourself as a trusted partner by demonstrating your solutions to potential clients and showcasing how your innovation contributes to environmental stewardship.

    • Network and Collaborate: Enhance your credibility and establish your presence in the industry by participating in discussions and connecting face-to-face with 450+ key agri-food players.


    Service Providers

    This event was a great opportunity to put together big actors around the table and to go out with new insights. But I think the strongest point of this summit was the facilitation of building new connections.

    Maya Kheir, Avril Group
  • Consultants/Investors

    What you can expect:

    • Position Yourself as a Market Leader: Position yourself at the forefront of the regenerative agriculture movement by showcasing your expertise and securing new clients and partners.

    • Thought Leadership: Participate in critical discussions that define the trajectory of the transition to regenerative agriculture and establish your company as a thought leader in the industry.

    • Regulatory Landscape: Successfully navigate regulatory challenges and opportunities by staying up to date with regulatory changes and understanding the evolving landscape of sustainable and regenerative practices. 


    Consultants/ Investors

    What our attendees say

    A really brilliant event - the Kisaco Research team have done an exceptionally brilliant job of building on the themes and feedback of last year and securing very strong speakers/panellists around agenda topics that really resonated.

    Caroline Brown, Accenture


Understanding from others how they’re approaching their transition strategy. 


Building partnerships with each other to share the financial burden, expand skillsets, and help achieve scale.

How can the industry commercialise regenerative agriculture?

Real-World Examples

Hearing from companies further along in the transition about challenges they faced and how they’ve overcome them.

Farmer-Centric Approach

Keeping the farmers at the forefront of their strategy, understanding the most beneficial incentives to offer and securing buy-in from the hesitant farming community in order to achieve the scale needed to make real impact.


A full program of events, webinars and roundtables available to our community throughout the year.


Featured Case Study

Quantis Webinar Case Study

Quantis partnered with the Regenerative Agriculture Summit Series to offer a webinar to promote regenerative agriculture practices.